NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Investment Properties

  • Over 4.3 million Australians are currently living with some form of disability. This is equivalent to around 17% of the population.
  • Around 530,000 people in Australia are now living with a permanent and significant disability and, as a result, require additional support.
  • Approximately 35,000 people will require Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in addition to their other forms of support.
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation is a long-term initiative, and it is here to stay.

In 2019 the Federal Government announced a plan for all Australians under 45 who are living in nursing homes to be transitioned into SDA housing within 3 years, expanding to include all those under 65 within 6 years.

The estimated number of SDA houses needed is based on only 6% of people living with a disability requiring SDA payments. This figure has already doubled in trial regions and the number of SDA properties required has grown.

A total of $228 million was paid to SDA providers in the year ending March 2023, compared to $90 million in 2020. The annualised growth rate has been 36% over the last three years, with a government target of $700 million!

Demand for SDA housing is not static. One very small group of participants accessing SDA housing are spinal surgery patients. Sadly, QLD alone averages more than 100 new cases of severe spinal injury every year.

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-backed social welfare program aimed at providing necessary support for Australians living with disabilities. The scheme enables participants to access necessary services and support that are tailored to their individual needs.

The NDIS offers financial assistance for things like therapies, equipment and personal care services. Thanks to its personalised approach, NDIS empowers Australians living with disabilities to have greater control over their lives. It’s designed to promote inclusion, independence and improved quality of life.

A man in a wheelchair discusses NDIS SDA housing options
An NDIS SDA investment property

What Is NDIS SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation)?

One of the main goals of the NDIS is to help eligible participants live more independently. NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is one aspect of this scheme. It provides funding for accommodation specifically designed to meet the needs of people who could benefit from specialised housing solutions.

SDA NDIS funding covers the construction, modification or rental costs of accessible housing specifically designed for those with high support needs. The properties may feature wheelchair accessibility modifications, assistive technology and, where necessary, 24/7 support staff.

By increasing housing options for Australians living with disabilities, SDA makes it possible for a greater number to live independently as active members of the community.

What Are the Different Kinds of SDA NDIS?

There are four primary categories of NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation. These include:

These properties have been designed or modified to improve the ability of the resident to live independently. They’re the ideal choice for those who require some assistance with daily living tasks, but who don’t need high levels of support. They’ll often include accessible bathrooms, kitchens and living areas.

Learn more about Improved Liveability SDA.

FA properties are specifically designed for residents with significant mobility impairments. They are designed with full accessibility in mind, often including features such as wider doorways, ramps, handrails and other features to assist with ease of movement. This makes it easier for those with reduced mobility to easily navigate and use all areas of the property, allowing for greater independence.

Designed for residents with complex needs and high-level physical disabilities, these houses may include specialised equipment, such as hoists and adjustable beds. High Physical Support SDAs will also typically include space for dedicated 24/7 support staff and may be equipped with advanced medical facilities to handle intensive care requirements.

Learn more about HPS SDA HERE.

Robust SDA houses are designed for heavy use with minimal risk of damage. These homes prioritise safety and security, offering specialised design elements and secure fixtures to ensure the well-being of residents and staff. They’re typically built with more durable materials, such as impact-resistant walls, to increase their longevity.

Learn more about Robust Duplex SDA HERE.

A woman in a wheelchair moves easily around a NDIS SDA Improved Liveability home
An investor calculates the benefits of buying an NDIS SDA property

What are the Benefits of NDIS SDA Investment?

There are a number of advantages to investing in SDAs, including:

The NDIS is backed by legislation that requires agreement from all States and Territories before any changes can be made.

Fast Growth

To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.


To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.

Growing Need

To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.

Fully Funded

To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.

Positive Social Impact

To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.

Financial Stability

To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.


To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.

Property Appreciation

To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.

Learn More About Our NDIS SDA Properties

Positive Income Properties have a range of different SDA property designs available, including:

NDIS SDA Investment: Important Points to Consider

What else should a potential investor know about SDA NDIS-supported investment properties?
  • There are currently 22,000 participants with SDA support.
  • This number is expected to grow to 30,000 by 2025.
  • Of the current participants, 23% are either looking for their first SDA home or a more suitable home (e.g. not an institution such as an aged care facility).
  • An additional 13,230 participants will require homes by 2025.
  • Only 687 additional homes were registered in 2022.
  • 34% of participants currently looking for an SDA home require Improved Liveability, which is the largest group of any category.
  • Currently, only 16.6% of homes are classified as Improved Liveability (in WA 11.6%, QLD 10.5% and NT 5.2%).
An aerial view of a housing estate that includes some NDIS SDA properties
A young woman holds up house keys after being approved for NDIS SDA housing IMG

NDIS SDA Eligibility Assessment Checklist

Before accessing an SDA, potential applicants must complete the NDIS SDA eligibility assessment checklist.

This assessment includes some basic criteria, including that an applicant must be:

  • Under 65 years of age
  • Have a permanent and significant disability

Additionally, the disability must:

  • Impact on the person’s ability to complete everyday activities
  • Require substantial support

Applicants will also need to comply with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) SDA funding rules.
Once an applicant has been approved by the NDIS SDA eligibility assessment checklist, they will have the option of searching for suitable housing on their own, applying through NDIS or contacting an SDA housing provider.

NDIS SDA Design Standard

The NDIS SDA Design Standard is a set of guidelines and minimum requirements that apply to Specialist Disability Accommodation. The NDIS SDA Design Standard is used to ensure that participating properties meet the specific needs of those living with disabilities.

These standards outline the physical design and accessibility features that SDA properties must incorporate to provide safe, comfortable and inclusive living environments.

The NDIS SDA Design Standard covers various aspects, including:

This includes ensuring that the property is wheelchair accessible, with features like widened doorways, ramps and accessible bathrooms.

Properties must include certain safety measures such as non-slip flooring, handrails and emergency evacuation procedures to assist residents with mobility impairments or other disabilities.
Living spaces must be designed to accommodate any specialised equipment or assistive devices that might be needed, such as hoists or adjustable benches.
SDA housing should incorporate adaptable design elements to allow for changing needs over time. This might include adjustable benchtops or living spaces that can be easily modified.
SDA housing should allow residents to have private and dignified living spaces. This would include design elements that supported noise reduction and visual privacy.

Overall, the NDIS SDA Design Standard aims to promote improved quality of life for people living with disabilities. It does this by establishing clear guidelines for the construction or modification of SDA properties. Compliance with these standards is essential for investors seeking approval and funding for an SDA property.

An accessible bathroom that complies with the NDIS SDA Design Standard IMG

Positive Income Properties Can Assist With Your NDIS SDA Investment

At Positive Income Properties, we’re committed to sourcing the right property deal to suit the needs of each individual client. We have a range of investment properties that meet the stringent NDIS SDA Design Standard, ensuring your investment will be suitable for use as an SDA.

Our expert team can assist with all aspects of an NDIS SDA investment, from sourcing to financing, and from settlement to leasing the property. We specialise in offering a secured tenancy, providing property investors with a steady income stream from settlement onwards.

To find out more about the benefits of investing in NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation, contact the team at Positive Income Properties today.

Visit Our FAQs Page

If you’re considering investing in an SDA property, you probably still have some questions. For example,
  • What are the biggest risks associated with SDA NDIS properties?
  • Who arranges the recruitment of participants for Positive Income Properties SDAs?
  • Who looks after the properties after they’re built?
  • What is capital growth like for an SDA compared to a traditional investment property?
  • What do you need to do to secure an SDA investment property?

To find the answers to these questions (and many more!) visit our SDA Frequently Asked Questions page.

A middle aged couple do online research about SDA NDIS investment properties IMG
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